Vietnam is more than rice paddies, conical hats, and conflict with America. Vietnam is bursting with energy and forward motion. You’ll feel it in the hum and activity on the streets. You’ll see it in the way Vietnamese welcome you to their homes, invite you to taste their food, and proudly show you their rich culture. You’ll sense it in the options and opportunities all around. Vietnam is home of over 90 million people. Each part of the county has it’s own customs, language dialects, and indigenous people.
Youthlinc is partnering with SJ Vietnam, who has been working with us since 2012 with the first Service Year teams. They have introduced us to a village in the northern highlands that is a gem of gems. The village we will be working in is called Buoc in Mai Chau province.
Buoc is home to 310 people from 77 families. Most folks in this area are subsistence farmers and raise some livestock. Most people living in Buoc are ethnic Thai, although none of them have ever lived in Thailand. Their first language is a variation of Thai, but they say that they only understand 60% of what is said in Thai movies, for example. They speak Vietnamese as their 2nd language and receive most of their education in Vietnamese.
One of Buoc’s main goals is to become a more desirable destination for travelers. They would like to work on programs to encourage environmentally sustainable tourism, including becoming a single-use plastic free area, provide locally grown organic food, and encourage visitor’s activities to be healthy and active. Youthlinc is excited to find team members that can help them achieve their goals, including developing marketing and tourism-related skills. There is a women’s association in Buoc that is eager to work with Youthlinc on developing and improving opportunities for women so they can earn extra income for their families.

Leadership Development
9-month leadership development program with integrated local service component
Youthlinc’s mission is to transform volunteers into lifetime humanitarians, which takes time and effort- we are not a “pay-and-go” program
Twenty five years of proven curriculum and data show that our program truly changes and improves our volunteers & communities abroad
Connect and build friendships with your team for 9 months prior to travel
Work with SJ Vietnam to impacts on rural villages in the northern highlands
Projects relate to community health, business & vocational skills, ecological improvements, construction, cultural exchange, and education
What's Included?
We are a Utah-based program. Round-trip international airfare is included from Salt Lake City. Minors will never be asked to fly alone to another city to meet their team for the first time.
All meals, accommodation, transportation, & clean water
Excursions include touring Hanoi’s Old Quarter, staying overnight on a boat at Ha Long Bay, visit to an island where you can hike, kayak around an oyster farm, and explore caves.
Travel insurance, medical professional travels with team, 1:3 ratio of adults:student
80 Hours of Local Service
Monthly Team Meeting Attendance
Engaged in Project Planning
Engaged in Project Fundraising
Uphold Youthlinc Code of Conduct
Passport (valid for 6 months after trip)
Vietnam Tourism Visa
Read about our 2024 projects

Meet Our
In-Country Coordinator
Nam Cha- SJ Vietnam
I achieved a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 2010, but due to the passion of voluntary works as well as helping those in need, I spent a year after graduation doing voluntary campaigns in France. Afterwards, I returned to Vietnam and have been acting as Coordinator of SJ Vietnam since 2013. I am glad to work with Youthlinc in supporting people of ethnic minorities in Bước village since 2020. I hope that you will have more help for the people here to live in better conditions. Thank you very much.

Meet the Team Leaders

Team Leader (TL)
​Meg Ashton (She/Her)
Meg is thrilled to be leading the Vietnam team this year!! Ever since participating as a student in 2009, Meg has had a passion for helping others and humanitarian work. This great love is a driving force in her life; she is continuously seeking opportunities to improve the lives of others.
Meg took her first trip with Youthlinc to Kenya in 2009, and in 2018 was one of the very lucky mother-daughter duos to take on Thailand. Between 2009 and 2018, Meg had awesome adventures living in New York, Indiana, Nebraska, and Massachusetts; learning and growing every step of the way. Living in so many places has helped her to love and appreciate many different cultures and lifestyles.
Meg stays busy working a 9-5 job in downtown Salt Lake City, and when she isn’t working, she is having the best time with her two adorable girls. She loves adventuring in the outdoors and trying new things Meg cannot wait to meet her team and make this year an unforgettable life-changing experience
Email: meg@youthlinc.org
Assistant Team Leader (ATL)
Anna Morris (She/Her)
It’s my first year being ATL so I’m excited to help others have an amazing experience like I had my first couple times on youthlinc!
I’m currently a hair apprentice to become a cosmetologist. Im a photographer so I love taking pictures! I grew up playing soccer so I love to do that with friends as well as play pickleball! I’m super outgoing and love to try anything! I’m very passionate, hard working, and very friendly!
Email: anna.m@youthlinc.org
Assistant Team Leader (ATL)
Jane Walker (She/Her)
I’m most excited for learning about a new culture and experience a completely different country.
I traveld to Nepal last year as a Humanitarian and I am excited to be back as an ATL this year.
I go to Olympus High School, once i graduate I plan on studying kinesiology. Outside of school and volunteering, I like to dance, snowboard, and hang out with my friends.
Email: jane.walker@youthlinc.org

Basic Itinerary
Depart SLC
Travel Day
Arrive in Hanoi
Opening Ceremonies
Projects and Cultural Exchange
Projects and Cultural Exchange
Projects and Cultural Exchange
Projects and Cultural Exchange
Projects and Cultural Exchange
Projects and Cultural Exchange
Closing Ceremonies
Ha Long Bay Cruise
Ha Long Bay Cruise
Depart Hanoi and Arrive back to SLC